Saturday, June 26, 2010

Kohl's trip!

On Tuesday we headed out to Kohl's to get some much needed items! When we got there, I noticed that they now carry Big and Tall clothes! (We don't have many places that carry big & tall up here, so when I find a place that I can get clothes for Hans makes me like that store even more!) We found him some new work shirts and then headed over to the bedding section as we needed to get a new set of sheet. To our surprise when we got to that section the sheets were on sale buy one get one free! So we picked out two sets and continued our way over to pick out some new gym shoes for me and then some workout clothes. After we checked out, I said to Hans "the only thing that would have made this trip nicer was if they had Kohl's cash going on." Well we got home and while we had been gone, I received a email from them saying that Kohl's cash started the next morning! So I called the store and asked them if there was any way that I could get credit for my almost $350 purchase (as that would be $60 in KC). The lady that I spoke with told me oh this happens all the time, just bring the items back and we will return them and then resell them to you! She also told me to make sure that I brought a 15% off coupon with me as I could also reuse it!

So on Thursday night we headed back to the store to return and re-buy our items.....After ringing everything up and being short we realized that when we had checked out on Tuesday we were charged twice for an item, so after fixing that we were able to then start re-ringing up our items. Well the sheets sale had changed, but get this....they were now more on sale than they had been before! We ended up paying $10 less for them than we did 2 nights before. Not only were they cheaper, but so was everything else except my shoes.

So after everything was said and done, we left Kohl's with the same amount of items but $50 cheaper and with $60 in Kohl's cash!!!! As we were walking out, Hans turned to me and said jokingly "You want to come back in 2 days and see how much more we can get back?" I laughed at him :).

So now you know, if you buy something from Kohl's and they start a promotion soon after that, take it back and get the better deal!

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